Hunted Hunters

Mcee Doublev (Pathitho)
2 min readSep 18, 2020

Hunters hunted, hearts haunted

Wanted peace of mind on a fun day

Outdoors, twins on a nature escapade

Escaping madness, caught up with crackheads.

Prior to the madness t’was a good day

Imagine bonding blood on a Thursday

Before shit went down, spirits were high

Not on bush, coz a forest is our ally.

Like kids to a swing, to the park we fled

Confidantes to nature, a selfie to a friend

Heavenly mood, paradise where’s manna?

Is it real, or is it but a marketing stanza?

Is it safe? Her gut grilled

With eyes reddening like coal on a grill

Fun is in the thrill, is what I told Brie

I still fathom not my own pedigree.

Trail after fun trail, we trekked the narrow path

Tales of our partners, tales of our past

She’s a nice girl, he’s better than my last

Then boom! Kneel where thou art!

With trembling knees drilling the uncultivated loamy soil

We donated all possession from our toiling

A ripe sword and knife pushed pon our swallowing

Our deep egos both swam shallow.


Hunted aggressively in peace

Peaceful hunters are safe.

By Pathitho.

